
Welcome to our blog! 
We’re just three normal girls living normal lives with our normal guys… Just kidding!
We're three sometimes normal girls living essentially nomadic gypsy lives with our guys, who happen to play professional baseball. Little did we know that three years after our husbands pitched on the same team one summer in college that we would be close friends sharing in a very unpredictable yet beautiful journey through minor league baseball and beyond! On this blog we'll share with you our "Life In the 10th Inning" because for us, life goes on after the field lights go off. 
We hope you enjoy!

Allison, Jackie & Monica

Click here to learn a little more about us!

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intro picture

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A Little Bit About Us...


"Life is either a great adventure or nothing." 
-Helen Keller

My husband and I have lived in five states in the last year, we have a 3.5 year age difference (although nobody ever guesses it) and we are dutifully and lovingly raising a moose German Shepherd as I tow our life across the country several times a year in a U-Haul trailer. My name is Allison Plutko and I'm currently living the #superglam baseball gypsy life as my dude, Adam, chases his dreams of being a big leaguer. My dog, Netflix and wine keep me sane for six months out of the year while the other six months I enjoy a relatively normal life. 

Adam and I got married this past November after meeting at UCLA where he played baseball and I did gymnastics- yes, we keep foam rollers and athletic tape in our house and yes, our dog is constantly ripping the seams off of old baseballs. Adam is currently with the Cleveland Indians and we are currently living in Akron, OH where Adam is with the AA Akron Rubberducks. 

The #basic AP low-down:
  • I'm from Texas and I will not hesitate to brag about that.
  • I am an avid runner and reader. 
  • I love anything hot pink and/or sparkly.
  • I did gymnastics for nearly 20 years of my life.
  • I don't keep plain wine glasses in our house- only fun/decorated ones.
  • I wear a necklace with my daddy's initials monogrammed on it at all times.
  • I don't cook- thankfully I married someone who does!
  • I'm wearing athletic clothes 99% of the time.


Well hi there!! I'm a San Diego native and new mama to a beautiful baby boy. Trevor and I were married in November of 2014 and welcomed our son Isaac into the world on October 2, 2015. I'm a registered nurse and Gonzaga University alum (Go Zags!). We are currently navigating the crazy baseball waters in the Pittsburgh Pirates organization after spending our first 2 years of pro ball with the Miami Marlins!

So some basics about me and my super wild and exciting life:
  • I am a food network junkie & LOVE to cook every day
  • Coffee and wine are daily necessities in my life
  • My husband and I are devout Catholics, and our faith has a huge role in our relationship and lives
  • Everyone in my immediate family has this innate ability to quote lines from movies we haven't seen in over 10 years
  • I am a sucker for literally any Tom Hanks movie and my all-time favorite is Sleepless in Seattle
  • My husband says to put that I'm a sore loser....
  • On that note, we love playing board games and cards when we have down time at home
  • I have a huge & super supportive family that I'm extremely close to. If you were friends with my husband on Facebook you'd see at least 3 different posts on his wall from my family every day he's starting (Hi, Arnold!)

Well that's all for now, I hope you enjoy our blog and this little snippet of our lives through the minor leagues!


I am a Seattleite/Pacific Northwester currently living a relatively nomad life as I bounce back and forth between my original home, and Memphis, TN where my future hubby (WE'RE ENGAGED!!!) is playing for the Memphis Redbirds. My man & I met our freshman year of college at Gonzaga University & quickly learned the ups and downs of a long distance, baseball oriented relationship. Sports marketing is my gig and I am lucky enough to be able to continue my career as I travel around the country to be with my fiancé while he chases his dreams. Between my work and his, we have called 6 different cities, in 5 different states "home" in the last 6 months. We will be married this December(!!!) and could not be more excited to see where our adventures together take us!

Here are some facts about me my best friends would be quick to share:
  • I am always and forever thinking I have more time in my day than I actually do
  • I am a major people person & social bug - alone time is not for me
  • I am a peanut butter addict - I generally go through at least one jar a week (oops!)
  • I am a bit of a yoga & fitness nut and plan to incorporate that passion into my career 
  • The only things I have mastered in the kitchen are my future hubby's favorite dinner & a killer green smoothie
  • Like my fellow baseball sisters, I am a major WINE-O - a love that was only deepened after studying abroad in Italy    
  • I'm an adrenaline junkie - I love heights! Cliff diving, bungee jumping, and scaling tall buildings are some of my favorite things to do
  • I am an eternal optimist, sometimes to a fault (hence the bungee jumping) 
  • If you catch me in jeans, consider me dressed up - my closet is full of more yoga clothes and running shoes than anything else.
  • I am an ultimate planner at heart, a trait I am slowly being forced out of thanks to this crazy lifestyle
I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into our unpredictable life!



  1. "Is this heaven? No, it's Iowa." Ahh, it may not be heaven all the time, but it's definitely where dreams are coming true! And how lucky is that!? As a high school teacher, I can't tell you how many students tell me that they dream of one day becoming a baseball player, a football player, an actress, or a musician. However, as you support your husbands and fiancé in pursuit of their dreams, don't forget about yours! I'm happy you three have each other. Nurture your friendship and check in on one another often. Forming genuine friendships in this nomadic lifestyle, as you describe it, will be challenging, but "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!" (I know you can name the first movie, but how about the second one??)

    I'm looking forward to reading more! Keep it coming!

  2. My finance is also a professional baseball player in the Canam League. I can relate. Look foward to you ladies writing more.
